Our Blog to Agents
Our Blog to Agents
An ongoing series of informational entries on advice and guidance researched from subject matter experts in the real estate sector, as well as helpful tools for marketing, advertising, and developing effective customer relations.

March 24, 2021
by Amy Collett

September 24, 2019
by Alice Robertson
Home staging is a process that can go a long way in helping you sell your house. Whether buyers visit the house or see photos of it online, proper staging can have a major impact on whether they’ll make an offer for your home.
Unfortunately, sellers sometimes make some mistakes when staging their homes for sale. If you wish to get the process right, read through these common staging mistakes to learn what not to do when staging your home.

August 01, 2019
by Mike Longsdon
When a move becomes part of your retirement plans, it can feel like you’re letting go of your memories. In reality, though, downsizing can help seniors let go of the stress and expense of managing a larger home. Moving to a smaller home or even a senior community can open up your life in ways you never expected, but you have to know which steps to take in order to make the downsizing process a positive experience during retirement.

July 16, 2019
by Colin Marcum
All professions benefit from time to time in discussing the ethical issues that their sector is facing. This is the same for the real estate industry as it is for the military, doctors, civil servants, teachers, salespersons, and really any job or profession that deals directly or indirectly with other people (read: “all professions”). The two primary reasons for this are 1) the long-term economic benefits of running a consistently ethical business, and 2) to regulate over our own industry in order to avoid outcry from the general public which would compel the government to do it for us. We’ll discuss those reasons why we should be ethical towards the end of this article, but first…

May 02, 2019
by Colin Marcum
Imagine yourself being a Realtor, and having to shop around for a brokerage that works best for your desired business model. When considering different brokerages, you’re weighing the benefits of association, and consider promises of support. Perhaps you were promised numerous listing and buyer leads, or told the only monetary costs were either the monthly fee or split commission at closing. You made a decision based on what you believed was full disclosure of all the costs and benefits between one firm versus another.

February 04, 2019
by Colin Marcum

January 21, 2019
by Colin Marcum
How often do you reference reviews before you purchase a product or commission work for a service? Do you remember standing in a store aisle, looking at a multitude of options, and tried to assess whether the product was worth its price? Have you looked through Google for internet service providers in order to see which offered the most for the least cost to you? Finally, have you ever been turned off to a product or service due to either poor reviews or a lack of reviews altogether?
This article covers the importance of cultivating reviews...

November 28, 2018
by Colin Marcum
Ever wonder why the pages of some brokerage firms, property listings, and agent web pages appears before others in search engines like Google and Bing? The first element deals with keywords. Naturally, if you type in “pizza delivery” you are more likely to get a local Pizza Hut webpage than a landing page to the Oregon Real Estate Agency. However, within a keyword like Oregon Real Estate, how does a webpage like the Oregon Real Estate Agency rank in comparison to other related web pages; like realty firms, mortgage brokers, and title companies? That is where the second element comes in: LINKS.

November 20, 2018
by Colin Marcum
Ever wonder why the pages of some brokerage firms, property listings, and agent web pages appears before others in search engines like Google and Bing? The first element deals with keywords. Naturally, if you type in “pizza delivery” you are more likely to get a local Pizza Hut webpage than a landing page to the Oregon Real Estate Agency. However, within a keyword like Oregon Real Estate, how does a webpage like the Oregon Real Estate Agency rank in comparison to other related web pages; like realty firms, mortgage brokers, and title companies? That is where the second element comes in: LINKS.

October 29, 2018
by Colin Marcum
"If you market to everyone, then you market to no one."
You will see this statement paraphrased in multiple versions, but its root is based on the phrase, “If everything is important, then nothing is.” The premise is that you will achieve better results, in whatever you undertake, if you focus on a select, narrow avenue of issues in which you can concentrate the lion’s share of your efforts. This applies to the real estate industry as well. This article covers the discussion of differentiation when selecting a niche audience of potential clients, as opposed to everyone in the State of Oregon, will net you more clients overall.

October 13, 2018
by Colin Marcum

September 13, 2018
by Colin Marcum

August 15, 2018
by Colin Marcum
For many the 2008 Housing Crisis came out of nowhere, but for those with an eye for a history in economics predicted its occurrence more than ten years prior.
“The 18-year cycle in the US and similar cycles in other countries gives the geo-Austrian cycle theory predictive power: the next major bust, 18 years after the 1990 downturn, will be around 2008, if there is no major interruption such as a global war.”